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Renaissance Dance (mid-15th to mid-17th c)

2. Belreguardo novo

Domenico da Piacenza

De Arte Saltandi Et Choreas Ducendi

1. Belreguardo

2. Belreguardo novo

3. Lionzello vecchio

4. Lionzello novo

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De Arte Saltandi Et Choreas Ducendi
Domenico da Piacenza
1. Belreguardo
2. Belreguardo novo
3. Lionzello vecchio
4. Lionzello novo
2. Alexandrescha

Guilielmus Hebraeus Pisauriensis

De pratica seu arte tripudii

1. Reale

2. Alexandrescha

3. Genevra

4. Mignotta

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De pratica seu arte tripudii
Guilielmus Hebraeus Pisauriensis
1. Reale
2. Alexandrescha
3. Genevra
4. Mignotta
From smooth harmony is begot sweet song
which through the hearing reaches the heart’s core
From much sweetness is born a lively ardour
whence comes then the dance, its pleasure strong
~ Guglielmo Ebreo of Pesaro (1420-c1476)


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