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Renaissance Dance (mid-15th to mid-17th c)

De pratica seu arte tripudii, Guilielmus Hebraeus Pisauriensis

  1. Reale

  2. Alexandrescha

  3. Genevra

  4. Mignotta

  5. Pietosa

  6. Cupido

  7. Pellegrina

  8. Phoebus

  9. Daphnes

  10. Gioliva

  11. Patientia

  12. Flandescha

  13. Principessa

  14. Caterva

  15. Rostiboli Gioiosa

  16. Duscho

  17. Ligiadra

  18. Colonese

  19. Petit Rose

  20. Iove

  21. Presoniera

  22. Marchesana

  23. Belfiore

  24. Ingrata

  25. Anello

  26. Gielosia

  27. Belriguardo

  28. Leoncello

  29. Mercancia

  30. Gratioso

  31. Spero

From smooth harmony is begot sweet song
which through the hearing reaches the heart’s core
From much sweetness is born a lively ardour
whence comes then the dance, its pleasure strong
~ Guglielmo Ebreo of Pesaro (1420-c1476)


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