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Our Mission

  • to provide information on high quality danceable recordings for original source dance notation


  • to promote good working relationships between musicians & performers of historical dance​


  • to honour the moral right of musicians to be identified with their music arrangements & recordings


  • to promote and support new recording of music from historical dance notation for which there are no high quality recordings


  • to build a community that can lobby record labels to re-release classic recordings of historical dance music that are currently unavailable


  • to build and maintain a resource for dance instructors who are looking for new material to teach


  • to build and maintain a resource for students who have just learned a dance and wish to find a recording to go with it


  • to build and maintain a resource for film & television producers/directors/researchers who need information on historical music & dance for an upcoming production


  • to build and maintain a resource for theatre/opera directors/educational music departments who are planning to produce a work from, or set in, an historical period


  • to provide a forum for dancers looking for musicians to record music for a dance that they are working on


  • to provide a forum for musicians interested in dance music and looking for work


  • to provide a forum for dance reconstructionists to call out for others’ opinions on notation interpretation conundrums

From smooth harmony is begot sweet song
which through the hearing reaches the heart’s core
From much sweetness is born a lively ardour
whence comes then the dance, its pleasure strong
~ Guglielmo Ebreo of Pesaro (1420-c1476)


© 2021 by HIDMOD

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